Friday, 14 February 2014

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Final Video Feedback

I collected feedback from social media site, Facebook and an online survey I created asking questions that related to my final music video and ancillary products. 

The features of Facebook enabled my final product to be liked, commented and shared within my friends, gathering a decent amount of feedback, with positive comments and improvements to all products. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

Fourth Draft - Edited

I edited a section of the video further, incorporating the edited light bulb section, mixing up the opacity and blends of edits that were shown within my storyboard. The process was simple once I knew what I wanted the scenes to look like, demonstrating a convincing technique.  

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Light Bulb Edit

As part of my abstract narrative, I included the smashing of the light bulb to let the character 'break free of the darkness' in a sense and to fill the transition from the dark room to outside. I experimented a few ways of doing this by first using a slightly different bulb that hadn't been hollowed out to practice dropping it in front of the camera whilst filming. 

As this bulb didn't break on impact causing the shot to be not nearly as effective, I decided to use the original bulb and hope to get it right first time, which I did. 

This bulb smashed right on target and looked exactly how I wanted it too. I edited the clip without the background noise but decided that this particular impact sound, when the bulb hit the floor, sounded effective and would be an alternative option to use in my video.

Editing these clips into my video was quite a simple process. I blended as well as changed the opacity of the clips to mix together with some other shots of my main character. This technique created an abstract and interesting scene, something that fitted well within my video and music genre. 

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Third Video Draft

Taking on board the last parts of audience feedback I received, I changed the pace of edits to fit in with the beat of the song more as well as editing the arrangement of shots to make it look more interesting. I also edited in the beginning scene of the video, adjusting the shots to also fit the pace of the song. There are still some key shots and scenes missing from my video, but with some more filming and editing, the video should be on its way to completion. 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

2nd Draft Audience Feedback

I showed my second draft video to a select group of people, ranging from people most likely in my target audience and an older generation. There responses were positive with a good amount of feedback for me to carry on with as well as work on. 

Leah, 17:
- like when it cuts from the beach to the woods as well as the change of costume and hair
- thought the spinning on the beach and foot prints in the sand were effective
- liked the beach scenes
- loved the reversal of the jump as it fitted well with the timing

- try experimenting with different transitions and effects
- experiment with the colour scheme

Hermione, 18
- like the locations used in video
- the use of one model works well as it shows continuity and it's not as confusing and complex for the audience
- the narrative can be seen strongly through the switching of two locations

- like the contrast between the woodland and beach, with tidal imagery 'tiptoeing' across beach
- nice tight framing of model against background
-  effective cuts from trees and sky that match lyric 'take me higher'
- costume changes make the visual narrative more interesting for the viewer

Focus Group:

I showed a group of my target audience my second draft, asking them what they liked and if my video showed my genre well. I also asked them some improvements, which I can use and consider for the final drafts of my video. I will definitely take into consideration their opinions because they're my target audience, who would watch the video.  

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Second Draft of Music Video

This is the second draft of my music video, where I have included the change of location to the beach, editing it together with the original shots from the forest. I think this draft displays the development of the video and narrative, along with showing a greater improvement by including more editing and filming footage. The next steps of my music video includes putting the opening and ending parts onto this main body section as well as tidying up any edits and adding effects to make the video flow.